On 1st of may 2016 Andrea’s Tauchschule SUN DIVE from Aalen (www.sun-dive.de) organized their first test-Event this year – and it was a great success!
All participants who were interested in diving with a DPV, had the possibility to try a BONEX Scooter. The weather was great, the visibility epic and so the divers could experience a complete new feeling of diving! To cross the lake and pass from one end to the other – no problem.
The feedbacks of the participants: “Just having fun and fly through the water! Brilliant!”
On the end of the event all divers were happy because of this great new experience!
Also for BONEX the event was a great success!
You want to experience the fun of DPV diving with your diving club as well? Sent us a mail to info@bonex-systeme.de.