In August 2014 Peter Goosens and Jolanda Spronck – two cave divers from the netherlands – participated in an international expedition into the cave Pozo Azul. The Pozo Azul is a giant underwater cave in the north of spain, where you have to dive more than 10 km in it, to reach the end like it is known until now. But there is more to discover!
Peter and Jolanda accompanied the exploration team as support divers.
The expedition photographer Peter taking high quality pictures and Jolanda writing the texts for numerous famous magazines in the trade press they are working as a successful team since many years.
On the expedition in north spain the team was endued with BONEX Reference RS scooter as the main equipment – furthermore they had 2 BONEX Discovery RS scooter as Back-up-device.
Orininally the Pozo Azul was discovered by spanish cave divers in the sixties. In the year 1991 the end of the explorations was reached with a distance of 1780 meters and 39 meters depth, because the equipment was not that good at that time to penetrate deeper without taking a high safety risk.
The exploration of the Pozo Azul went on in 2001. Jason Mallinson, a passionate cave diver, who already discovered and extrapolated several french cave systems in the nineties (like the Emergence du Ressel), travelled to spain to explore the unknown cave system. As equipment he already used for the french caves a big, fast Aquazepp underwater scooter and a CCR Rebreather, which gave him the possibility to make longer and deeper dives.
Year after year he travelled back to spain with better equipment and the help of a growing team of Spanish and British support divers, to continue the exploration of the cave.
The years before he always worked alone as a cave diver. But now the risks raised – he was alone diving for hours in the cave systems, only equipped with 1 scooter, 1 Rebreather and 1 Back Up Zylinder. It was time to adapt constellation and equipment to the conditions.
As a first step they put the exploration period exclusively on the end of the summer, because many times the expeditions failed due to bad weather conditions.
As a second step they put in the caves on the beginning of the second swamp a habitant, where the diver could do his last, long decompression stop on the way back.
The advantage of this constellation was, that the tired and subcooled diver could rest partly over water when he was finishing his decompression stop. Moreover he had the possibility to take warm drinks and food during his stay.
As the last step the team initiated a second scooter: until the last border the diver used a big mounting-scooter, which he deposed on arrival at this border line. From there he used the second, smaller and lighter scooter to go on. This enabled the best adaption to the conditions.
Starting 2009, the existing exploration team was extended by Rick Stanton, John Vonlanthen and the dutchman René Houben. Also the support team was grown in quantity and quality. Meanwhile around 25 Spanish, British and Dutch cave divers were involved in the project and took care of organization, equipment transport and logistics. And this was necessary, because often it was very exhausting to bring the equipment to the place of exploration. Furthermore it was important to take care of the physical and mental fitness of the cave divers, so that they were able to do the following dives safely. There was at least one person who knew all equipments by heart and could help the cave divers to fix everything on the right place.
In 2009 Rick Stanton dove with a back- and a side-Rebreather as Back-up, a big mounting-scooter, 2 BONEX Back-up scooter and a 20 liter-Trimix-cylinder into the cave. Finally he reached the end of the second swamp on a distance of more than 5.160 meters from Burbuja, and therefore more than 6 km away from the entrance. By this time the dives took around 6 hours including the decompression and the laying of new diving cave lines. The new discovered gallery was named Tipperary, derived from the song the team was singing alltime: “It’s a long way to Tipperary, It’s a long way to go”. And that was definitely the truth! When Rick Stanton took his first breath of fresh air after the transition, he was under earth for around 18,5 hours.
From that time on the team build upon his experience, because they had enough practice now to conduct additional long dives. The way through the swamp was intimate terrain and they did not need guiding lines anymore. The dry Tipperary cave was used as a bivouac-area to take a rest before the further explorations.
In 2010 they find the almost 3 km long third swamp and reach a new world record with that. At that time this was the longest cave dive ever made.
This success continues in 2011, when the team discovers a new dry cave and a fourth swamp directly following. The transition of this dry path (called Razor passage) is quite dangerous, because it is covered by numerous cutting edges. The risk to destroy the dry suits is high. Considering that they were around 10 km from the entrance this would be a catastrophy and had meant the end of the expedition.
After a small expedition in 2013, the explorer team visits the cave again in summer 2014. This time the three cave divers Jason Mallinson, René Houben and Rick Stanton will prope into the cave until the end and go on exploring. They discovered a further dry path behind the fourth swamp (Razor ll).
But the prepartions are not going on like planned – several equipments seem to be damaged:
Jason´s scooter is not working and has to be repaired, his dry suit gloves are not waterproof and Rene´s suit heating gives up in the night before the big dive.
Rick Stanton has to go back, because the engine of his mounting-scooter breaks-down unexpectedly. Luckily the team can default to his two BONEX Back-Up scooter and Rick can return safely.
Despite of all this dysfuntions, Jason and Rene reach Tipperary, where they take a rest. Shortly afterwards they continue to explore the dry galleries. In consideration for all the exertions before they find around 2 km new way.
After a good sleep, Jason and Rene continue diving and protude until the end of the third swamp. Here they change their dry into wetsuits and go on diving through the fourth swamp until the dry cave Razor ll. Here, around 10 km away from the entrance, where 9,5 km are made underwater, they discover waterfalls, which they climb up and finally find a fifth swamp.
With the two small cylinders, which they brought especially for that, they dive through the fifth swamp and arrive at an active river. Rene leaves the water and attains a visibility of hundreds of meters. But he returns back to Jason, not to take anymore risks.
Euphoric because of all the discoveries they made, but also confused how to proceed, the team celebrates the return of the divers after 3 days. The explorers now confer about the benefits of going on exploring: Does it make sense to do a second bivouac-area more inside the cave? Do they need more support divers? How can they optimize the preparations?
For the expedition leader Jason Mallinson, who spend around 2 weeks under earth, the exploration has not reached its end yet. Driven by his inexhaustible spitrit of exploration the plannings continue and all doors for coming discoveries are open…
Pictures: Peter Goossens
Text: Jolanda Spronck
An Interview with cave diver Jolanda Spronck you find under the following Link:
BONEX Scooter seminar in Vorarlberg, Austria
On 06th and 07th of november a BONEX scooter (DPV) seminar took place in the austrian city Feldkirch, organized by the dive club TC Vorarlberg. During the 2-days-lasting course, 15 participants had the possibility to live and learn the world of DPV-diving!
And it was a great success!
Under the guidance of CMAS 2 Star Instructor Marcus Bauer, the divers learned everything about construction, handling and functionality of BONEX DPVs.
Following they could train their knowledge in a nearby lake and practice several skills.
On 7 BONEX Scooters the participants could put into practice what they learned before. During the training they also received further instructions how to use the equipment in perfection.
The seminar was such a great success, that there is already planned a following event for 2016.
We are very happy that this workshop met with such a positive response!
For further information please mail to or visit
© Images: Courtesy of Wimmer Gerhard
James Bond powerded by BONEX – our DPVs in the TV Show “GRIP das Motormagazin”!
Which man was not dreaming of his own Bond-Car?
We made it real – in the November issue of the TV-Show “GRIP – Das Motormagazin” anchor Helge Thompson, built the bond-underwater-car from the movie “The spy who loved me”. The biggest challenge in this project was, that the car had to be able to move not only on the land, but also underwater.
For that two BONEX DPVs had to be installed.
In a car garage near the Bavarian city Straubing Rudi Dietl and his team took up the challenge to rebuilt a Lotus Esprit S1 to make it able to drive underwater á la James Bond. First the Lotus had to be made waterproof, after that the team solved the problem to make it move underwater. For that they assembled two powerful BONEX DPVs, which should ensure the necessary propulsion. During the following weeks, the team mobilized all energy and creativity to implement the Bond-Project.
After the first tries, which featured some technical problems, all efforts were worthwhile.
The Bond-remake with the two BONEX DPVs moved successfully underwater for a couple of meters and brought the team and the safety divers back to the land unscathed!
Conclusion: James Bond is one of a kind, but nevertheless the project worked out in the end and was a great fun for the persons involved!
We are happy, that we could support the TV-show “GRIP – Das Motormagazin” successful with our products!
The TV report you find under the following link:
GRIP Das Motormagazin – Bond Car powered by BONEX
Bonex on DEMA Trade Show, Florida, USA
From 04th to 07th of november you find us on the DEMA Trade Show in Florida.
The DEMA, Diving Equipment & Marketing Association Trade Show, presents every year new products, destinations and features around diving and equipment.
Visit us on our booth # 1954 together with Sub Gravity.
We are looking forward to many new guests, old friends, creative exchange and inspiring suggestions!
For further questions don´t hesitate to contact us via mail on
Surendorf – Bonex Potenzial
Surendorf – eine Ostseeperle mit Bonexpotential!
Wir haben wieder einmal die Scooter gepackt und uns auf den Weg gemacht…
Surendorf an der Ostsee war unser August-Ziel! Die Tauchertage Nord das HighLight des Wochenendes . Veranstalter die Firma Scubalu aus Neumünster.
Tolles Wetter, Sommer, Sonne, Strand und Meer!!! Was braucht der Taucher noch??
Einen Bonexscooter und ruhige See. An Letzterem mangelte es leider ein wenig; so war die Sicht mittelprächtig und die Bonexbegeisterung fand zur Abwechslung auch über Wasser statt.
Es wurde viel getaucht, gescootert, gefachsimpelt und natürlich auch gegrillt!
Und wir kommen wieder – 2016 steht ja praktisch vor der Tauchertür…
…wir freuen uns auf Euch und schöne Ostsee-Scooter-Ausflüge.
Anmeldungen bitte über Anja von Heynitz /
Apnoe Happening 2015 mit Bonex
Hemmoorer ApnoeHappening 2015
Verrückte, Lebensmüde und Spinner, so wurden ApnoeTaucher tituliert, als sie vor nun mehr zwei Jahrzehnten in den Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit rückten.
Inzwischen haben ihnen die Wingsuiter, Slackliner und Basejumper diesen „Titel“ längst streitig gemacht.
Das Apnoetauchen hat sich als Sportart der Naturliebhaber, der Ruhigen und Entspannten etabliert.
Da ich selbst als APNOE Tauchlehrerin unterwegs bin, trieb mich die Neugierde zum 12. ApnoeHappening nach Hemmoor.
Im Gepäck meine Monoflosse und … natürlich jede Menge BonexScooter!
Sharanne Wheeler, die Organisatorin dieses Events hatte viel Zeit und Energie in die Vorbereitung gesteckt und ganz nebenbei auch für unseren kleinen Part tüchtig die Werbetrommel geschlagen.
Der Erfolg blieb nicht aus.
Neben spannenden Vorträgen und Workshops, unter anderem von Rekordhaltern wie Anna von Bötticher und Sara Campell, stand der Spaß im See an vorderster Stelle. Ein Apnoeparcours mit Überraschungseffekt, illuminiertes Nachttauchen, ein Schnupperwettkampf vom Apnoe Wettkampfverband AIDA sorgten für Begeisterung.
Wettkämpfer, wie Breitensportler tummelten sich aber auch an unserem Bonex Stand und „kämpften“ um Bonex Scooter – Zeiten.
Unsere Hauptattraktion waren wohl die neuen kleinen Kraftpakete, unsere AquaProp Scooter!
Klein, leicht handlich – über, wie unter Wasser wurden sie schnell die Lieblinge der Sportler. Aber auch die „großen“ Bonexscooter fanden begeisterte Abnehmer. Mit Schrittgurt und voller Lunge ging es in den Kreidesee – mit Endorphie in Überdosis und breitem Grinsen im Gesicht – wieder zu uns zurück an den Bonex Stand.
So konnten wir einen kleinen Beitrag dazu leisten, dass diese außergewöhnliche Veranstaltung den Apnoetauchern noch lange in positiver Erinnerung bleiben wird.
Wir danken den Veranstaltern für die „MitMachMöglichkeit“ und freuen uns schon auf das nächste Mal!!!
LST Hamburg / Sascha & Anja von Heynitz
Das WetnotesEvent – Ein BonexEvent
Löbejün war vom 10.-12.07.2015 der Schauplatz für Scootergetummel bei bestem Sonnenschein.
Das Who is Who der Tauchbranche hatte sich auf den weiten Weg ins beschauliche Löbejün gemacht.
Die Industrie präsentierte modernste Tauchtechnik und alle „Wichtigen“ der UW Scene wurden gesichtet.
Aber auch namenhaften Scooterhersteller waren angereist! Erklärtes Ziel war es, den Testtauchern die eigene UW-Technik nahe zu bringen – über / wie unter Wasser. Und natürlich der Spaß mit ambitionierten Tauchern, die eigene Leidenschaft zu teilen.
Der Bonexstand in der PoolPosition direkt am Einstieg des Kessel 1 hatte mit großem Waterproof-Auftritt im Hintergrund schon mal eine exquisite Präsentationsfläche.
Ein „Fuhrpark“ von 3 x AquaProp, 2 x Ecos+, 2 x Reference RS und 1 x Discovery RS ließ den Testern die freie Modellwahl.
Zeitweise war es kaum möglich den Andrang zu managen. Unsere AdministrationsFee Ute sorgte für einen reibungslosen Ablauf.
Das große Interesse lag mit Sicherheit an dem inzwischen hohen Bekanntheitsgrad unserer UW Modelle. Eventuell trug aber auch der Ausfall des einen oder anderen Mitbewerberproduktes zu der großen Bonextauchlust bei!
Sascha – der BonexTechnikPapst erklärte wieder und wieder die Einzigartigkeit unserer verschiedenen Modelle und gab Handligstipps für unterwasser …Dann ging es für die Taucher auch endlich ins kühle Nass. Begleitet oder im Alleingang, dies hing auch bei diesem Event vom Erfahrungsstand des Testtauchers ab.
38 Tester mit Bonex im Wasser; die Bilanz dieses Wochenendes!
Das gab es noch nie!!!
So weit ich es beurteilen kann, alle glücklich und begeistert!!
Aufmerksame Beobachter dachten schon wir hätten Stress, dabei war es doch nur Teil der Diät, denn nach den Tauchgängen war (leider) auch das Spanferkel alle.
Vor dem großen Gewitter am Ende eines Wochenendes mit tropischen Temperaturen wurde dann blitzgeschwind gepackt und den Kids noch ein U-Boot-Turn zu Stören und Pumpenhaus spendiert. Dann war das grandiose Event auch schon wieder vorbei.
Danke WetnotesTeam, Danke Jens Höner und Dickes Danke Klaus Diersch, Ihr seid die Besten. Die Organisation war Spitze!!
Nun heißt es für meine lieben Testtaucher – fleißig sparen, um hoffentlich auch bald ein motorisierter BonexTaucher zu sein.
Und für mich: Fotos versenden, das nächste BonexEvent in Hemmoor vorbereiten – am 12. und 13. September 2015 geht der Spaß weiter. Bei Interesse bitte anmelden:
Ich / Wir danken Euch, Eure Anja / Euer Sascha – LST Hamburg
(Deutsch) Bonex-Scooter in monatlichen Raten zahlen
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.