Test-weekend with “Tauchen in Tirol”, 13. – 15.8.2016
Great weather, awesome visibility and numerous Bonex Tester and Fans took part on the events “Tauchen in Tirol”. In the region of Tirol as well as in Kaernten, enthusiastic divers had the possibility to test the newest Bonex models. Doesn´t matter if loopings, scooter races – ECOS S against Reference RS or towing a diver – nearly everything was tested and tried.
Divers, who were looking for a light Travel- and Holiday-Scooter, were especially attracted by the AquaProp and the event became a full success!
- Test-Event Tauchen in Tirol
- Test-Event Tauchen in Tirol
- Test-Event Tauchen in Tirol
- Test-Event Tauchen in Tirol
- Test-Event Tauchen in Tirol
- Test-Event Tauchen in Tirol
New Sales Strategy – BONEX expands
Years of development with heart and knowledge, continuous improvement and adaptation to the needs of DPV-diving have brought the brand Bonex, and the power package aquaProp originated from the same company, to the current status. With its optimum level of development and an over 10 years built-up, outstanding and knowledgeable image the product now has great potential and is ready for the international market. In this way, Bonex will reorient its marketing strategy in the future. On the long term the focus will be aligned on the development of new resale structures and actively concentrate on the recruitment of new national and international partners.
“Now is the time to distribute our products worldwide with the help of new partners and to gain a larger market share. Therefore, we are searching for international distribution partners and welcome inquiries.” the company explains the relaunch of the new marketing strategy.
New direction – The Expansion
Due to a ten years development, the Bonex products feature outstanding and mature technology. This is considered as a leading argument in comparison with the current competitors. This technological leadership will be strengthened further on and expanded short and medium termed through active communication measures. In addition, the marketing will be focused on reseller acquisition and customer marketing. Advanced communication, test events, attractive offers for new and existing partners and presence in all major fairs will be part of the expansion.
The implementation
„The step into the international market is a responsible and comprehensive task.” Therefore, the founders and developers of Bonex, Christiane and Patrick Bonetsmüller, give this task in experienced hands. From July 2016 on, the sales specialist and enterprise developer Ramin Mirbaha will assume the entry into the international market. As part of this, the company announces the handover to Mr. Ramin Mirbaha as the new owner of Bonex GmbH & Co.KG. The acquisition was sealed July 1st, 2016.
“It is our goal to make Bonex conceptual for highest quality with sophisticated technology for each sport and technical diver. The already excellent quality of our service will be expanded.” Ramin Mirbaha assures the future development of the brand.
The man of action – Ramin Mirbaha
Ramin Mirbaha boasts many years of experience as a general manager and established himself three companies in the field of communication soft- and hardware. During his career, he worked for renowned companies such as Fresenius AG or Level 3 Communications, specializing in business development, sales and marketing. His special interest is the development of international distribution structures.
Already at the first meeting, Ramin Mirbaha, likewise an avid scuba diver shared the passion to Bonex. “I was immediately impressed by the company and their products. In all Bonex models, you can literally see and feel the years of intensive development. The products have been developed with a lot of knowledge and passion for diving.”
By combining professionalism and passion, the brand will be conducted in the future with full dedication to diving and enthusiasm for the product. In addition, it will embark on an international level. The previous managing director Christiane Bonetsmüller will be in advisory function furthermore and will lead together with Mr Ramin Mirbaha the company in the future.
- Ramin Mirbaha
We wanted to know from Mr Mirbaha in which waters his dream-dive with a Bonex will take place?
“I’d prefer to explore the top10wrecks with a Bonex scooter. The first one would be the 200 meter long S.S President Coolidge in Vanuatu.”
2nd Test-Event this jear at Andrea´s Tauchschule SUN DIVE, Aalen, Germany!
Already the 2nd Test-Event took place on 10.07.2016 at Andrea´s Tauchschule SUND Dive in Aalen, Germany. All participants who always dreamed of “flying through the water” had the possibility to test the BONEX Reference RS Model. With sunshine and best weather, the divers could experience the underwater world in a complete new way! Crossing the lake or reaching the other side of it – no problem with this powerful support! Just having fun and pelting throug the water! So great! At the end of the event there were bright eyes and happy faces all around!
- Test Event Andrea´s Tauchschule SUN DIVE, Aalen
- Test Event Andrea´s Tauchschule SUN DIVE, Aalen
- Test Event Andrea´s Tauchschule SUN DIVE, Aalen
- Test Event Andrea´s Tauchschule SUN DIVE, Aalen
World record “Free-diving without fins” – BONEX was part of it!
On 19.06.2016 Freedive Instructor Andre Grabs (43) from Dive center Freiburg established a new world record in the category “Freediving without fins”. The current world record of 109 m (2011 from Jonas Krahn) was to overcome. At the Tunisee near Freiburg, Andre Grabs managed with a detailed preparation and despite of the bad weather conditions the unbelievable distance of 130 m in 2:31 minutes and did even more than 20 m like planned before.
He was accompanied by Safety Divers with BONEX Scooters, who supervised the dive underwater.
We congratulate Andre Grabs for his achievement and we are happy that we were part of this great event!
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
- Weltrekord "tauchen ohne Flossen", 19.06.2016
Discovered in the east of germany: The Geiseltalsee – a paradise for DPV-Diving!
This lake is large, you could say huge –a surface area of 18 qkm offers a lot of space for waterfowls, water sportsmen and natural spectacles of a particular kind.
Despite the considerable size of the lake, it is relatively unknown also in diving circles. Until autumn 2015, even myself I had no idea at all that it exists. Instead going to dance into May, we started out from 29.04. – 01.05.2016 for a little exploration to Mücheln in Saxony-Anhalt.
At the largest artificial lake in Germany, Heiko Günzel operates his dive centre and invited to a Bonex scooter event. The dive centre celebrated its two years anniversary, which we wanted to celebrate and support with our Bonex DPVs. The numerous AquaProp testers and enthusiastic Bonex fans rocked the lake!
We are sure that scooter divers write the future of this young lake. Our UW vehicles are there not only permitted there, but also a must! The lake is huge and pure adventure. If you would like to see all of it, a motorized Bonex-Dive is inevitable.
We had fantastic visibility and were assured that it is always like that. Filtering mussels in the treetops of the submerged forests and remnants of brown coal in the former GDR opencast mining ensure a brilliant view of 10-25 m, always!
For more information, please contact the Tauchcenter Geisetalsee directly:
Email: info@tauchzentrum-geiseltal.de; www.tauchzentrum-geiseltal.de
- Test-Event Geisetalsee
- Test-Event Geisetalsee
- Test-Event Geisetalsee
- Test-Event Geisetalsee
- Test-Event Geisetalsee
Translation: (sf)
Successful Test-Event at the “Dragor Lux Diving Games” in Zagreb, Croatia
These days we received a great report about the Dragor Lux Diving Games where Bonex and AquaProp could be tested for free. The games took place in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia during May. Enjoy reading this nice article:
“The yearly Dragor Lux Diving Games took place from 27 to 29 May at the Camping Village Simuni, our usual training place. The pre-games preparations were exhaustive as we tried to reach as many potential participants as possible through social networks, website, newsletters and diving portals. We had weekly raffles for all our Facebook members who had the chance to win free accommodation during the games – in total, we provided 10 free accommodation gifts.
The number of divers reached 350 out of which 145 contestants. Some photos can be found at the following link: http://ronilackeigre.com/reportaze/ronilacke-igre-2016/
The event actually began on Thursday where we organized a fun dive. On Friday, we had an amusing race in Aqua Park, a small concert and some go-go dancers. The main part of the program took place on Saturday: Equipment testing for free – we offered six Bonex scooters for testing, and contests in four disciplines + photography for non-divers. It all went splendidly without any problem. This year one of the sponsors was a distributor of Mercedes from Split who provided a new E-Class for free testing during the weekend.
The evening was reserved for the gala dinner, awards, raffle, a rock concert and a great firework.
We have pretty much the same program every year, except we change the rock group we hire. The place was covered in promo items – posters, banners, beach flags and all the contestants got an official T-shirt of the games. We also hired a professional camera operator and the plan is to broadcast the video on the national TV HTV1 during the TV show „More“.
We have sent the report to be published in Scuba Life (diving magazine) and it will also be uploaded on various diving portals.
This is the fourth time we organize the Diving games and by now, we have gathered some experience. However, we try to diversify it every year by introducing new disciplines, bringing new sponsors and prizes and more and more entertainers. It is an ever-developing project.
Finally, we wish to thank you for your support and we hope to generate more new Bonex users after the Games.”
Thanks a lot to Dragor Lux for this nice article. Find more information on www.dragorlux.hr.
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
- Dragor Lux Diving Games, Zagreb, Croatia
Test-Event of the Höchster Schwimmverein 1893 e.V. in Leipzig, Germany
From 25.05. to 29.05.2016, the diving department of the Höchster Swimming Club was on site near Leipzig, Germany for starting the diving season. Approximately 30 participants were looking forward to this event for a long time- especially as we had the possibility to test two Bonex AquaProps!
The event was attended by a great mixture of divers – from beginners up to Instructors including various Tec-divers. This was also the reason why Bonex in the team was well known. Many of the participants used Bonex Scooters before, especially for dives in the technical section.
According to this, the opinion of the “normal divers” was like that: “However scooters are good for technical divers, for sports divers they are not necessary.” Perhaps that is true – you can also dive without a technical movement, but even as a sports diver, when you want to discover a larger distance, facilities like a DPV are quite helpful! It was clear to the divers as well, and so the underwater vehicles were quickly taken! After a short introduction into the general rules of scooter diving under water, we were ready to go!
It was manifested quickly that the AquaProps are very good in discovering larger distances. They were very handy over and under water. Concerning endurance as well as speed, the AquaProps were quite impressive. Diving with the AquaProps was a great fun -many thanks to Bonex!
Great success all around – Test-Event with LST in Hemmoor, Germany
A beautiful lake and non-stop-raining – this was the situation at the LST Test-Event at Hemmoor on 29.Mai 2016. So what do we do? For sure we go diving – motivate some nice divers and cross Hemmoor with a DPV! Some of the guests stayed in a nice cottage near the lake which was useful considering the given situation. The coffee tasted better in a warm and dry place, and there were some things to plan before the dive: Who is diving with who and, much more important, who is getting which Bonex Scooter?! After a bit of “theory” we were ready to go – from steady rain into the water! To show this important event to all family members and dive club friends, our lovely photographer Martin Göbel was around all the time. So we took some beautiful shots and vivid proofs, that a lot fo rain can bring a lot of fun when you only have the right equipment! The participants enjoyed the event a lot and one thing was for sure at the end: We will meet again with a car full of Bonex DPVs!
Thanks a lot to the Test-Diver-Crew and the photographer, we are looking forward to the next DPV-Dive with you!
- Test Event, Hemmoor, 29.05.2016
- Test Event, Hemmoor, 29.05.2016
- Test Event, Hemmoor, 29.05.2016
NEW Video online – AquaProp engineered by Bonex @ DIVE TROPHY 2016
As we already reported, AquaProp is official partner of the Dive Trophy 2016! And the challenges are already running!
The new video of the last Dive Trophy has just gone online.
Following you find some impressions of the events! We are looking forward to many great dives, tricky tasks and an exciting time!
Awesome pictures of the Dive Trophy 2015 you find here, just click the DIVE.TV-Player:
The Dive Trophy 2016 is already the 12th event, which brings numerous divers together worldwide every year and grew up to one of the most popular events of the European diving branch. During the participation period from 01/11/2015 – 30/09/2016 (entry possible at any time), the participants earn points, which are assigned for dives, training courses, equipment purchase, dive travels and experience. The best 100 meet on October 22, 2016 in the indoor diving centre Dive4Life in Siegburg to participate to the final lap. The top 10 divers will be invited for the Dive Trophy Final at the red sea on the end of November to fight for the title “Champion of the Year”. The 100 best participants have the possibility to win numerous prices of the Dive Trophy partners. In addition, special prizes will be raffled during the point collection period.
AquaProp in the Dive Trophy
During the point collection period, the participants dive at the destinations of their choice and, if available, they can already practice a bit of AquaProp Scooter diving before. Furthermore, there are prices to win around the AquaProp during the Qualification period. In the preliminaries at the indoor diving centre in Siegburg and in the final in the Robinson Club Soma Bay, Egypt it is all about the good handling of the AquaProp. The participants have to solve tricky tasks with the AquaProp. Here, not only diving experience, but also skill and endurance in dealing with the AquaProp are in demand! AquaProp – so light, so easy, just take it!