The Scooter should be trimmed neutral to minimum positive (+30gr.) for optimum operation of the scooter. The trim weights of the Bonex Scooter are in the back and the majority in the nose of the Scooter. This enables the Scooter to be neutrally balanced again after adding equipment such as lamp, navigation unit and video camera. The Scooter is delivered neutrally balanced for use in fresh water. For use in salt water or for rebalancing after adding other equipment, suitable lead plates are available which can be inserted in the Scooter nose. To do this only 2 screws have to be removed and the appropriate weight removed or added. The Scooter is ready for use after fixing the screws.
The position of the diver in relation to the Scooter is decisive for comfortable Scooter riding. The drag ring should be fixed to the lowest position of the crotch belt if possible. The diver is pulled into the best streamline position, horizontally slightly above the scooter when it starts pulling. This prevents the diver being hit by the water jet of the propeller outlet. All items of equipment must be attached for good streamlining. Hanging equipment slows down the diver considerably. A good arrangement improves the drive performance and reduces the diver’s effort and gas consumption.